The Duke's Diwan: Amman’s most ancient building

Besides being a rather eye-catching building, The Duke's Diwan is Amman's most ancient building and is open for visitation. It is in the heart of the city center and opposite a good, famous restaurant called Hashem. Its history goes back to 1924, the year of its construction, where the first Post Office of the city once functioned, later housed part of the Ministry of Finance and then a famous hotel called Haifa.

Interior of the Duke's Diwan in Amman
Inside Duke's Diwan the oldest building in Amman
Details of the interior design at the Duke's Diwan in Amman

Until it was purchased, long after, by Mamdouh Bisharat, Duke of Mukheiheh. The name Diwan in the Arabic language surprisingly means a room whose house is always open to guests. Not only it is open, but it also promotes events and concerts throughout the year. It is, in fact, a way of preserving part of the city's historical and architectural heritage.


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